Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Moliere's Imaginary Invalid by EXPT Theatre

EXPT Theatre proudly presents to you the Imaginary Invalid, written by Moliere. It will be staged on the 30th and 31st of July, at the KH Kala Soudha, Hanumantha Nagar. The show is at 7.30pm on all days and tickets are available at IndianStage, Buzzintown and the venue on the day of the show.

Directed by Nakul.P.Sangolli, the play promises to entertain you to the fullest with the finest French comedy offered by Moliere. With interesting characterization and thoughtful use of lights and music, be ready for an interesting evening of theatre.

Le Malade imaginaire (The Imaginary Invalid) was the last play written by Moliere and was first performed in February 1673 in Paris. A satire of the medical profession, the play contains a good deal of farce and was written to amuse King Louis XIV. It is also a superb character study of a hypochondriac, or a patient obsessed with being ill, and it contains a brilliant social and political commentary on Paris in the 1670s. Argan, the invalid in the play, plots to get his daughter married to a doctor, hailing from a family of doctors in order to have them around to tend him for free. But will the daughter agree to marry him? Is there a reason behind Beline’s affection to her husband Argan? What means will Toinette, the maid employ to alter the proceedings?

The play has been adapted to an Indian scenario based in the 70’s, with a South Indian Christian family reliving the same roles. In an attempt to appeal to the audience of our times, this take is as hilarious as the one written by Molière.

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